
ओरछा : भव्य अतीत ( ORCHA - A HERITAGE PLACE )

  गौरव भरे अतीत से परिपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक नगरी ओरछा मध्य प्रदेश में मंदिरों एवं स्मारकों से भरा यह राजसी शहर देश के छिपे खजानों में से एक है।  झाँसी से लगभग 16 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है ओरछा ।  जिसका अर्थ है - " छिपा हुआ महल "।  देश के मध्य राज्य में स्थित ओरछा बुंदेला राजपूत राजाओं की राजधानी थी, जिसे 1501 में महाराजा रूद्र प्रताप सिंह द्वारा स्थापित किया गया था। यह धार्मिक दृष्टि से जितना महत्वपूर्ण है, उतना ही पुरातत्व की दृष्टि से भी इसकी एक पहचान है।  ओरछा बेतवा नदी के किनारे स्थित है। बेतवा नदी की सुंदरता मंत्रमुग्ध करती है। यहाँ उगते व डूबते सूरज की छटा अवर्णनीय है। शाम की आरती से फैलती धूप की सुगंध  और असंख्य दीयों का झिलमिलाना, हवा में उड़ती कंदीलों को देखना अद्भुत है। सुबह शाम यहाँ घूमना मन को आनंदित करता है।  बेतवा नदी पर खड़ी छतरियाँ बुंदेला राजपूत राजाओं की स्मृतियों को उजागर करती हैं और अपने सौंदर्य से अभिभूत करती हैं।  ओरछा में स्थित किला अपने फैलाव और वास्तुशिल्प से मन मोह लेता है। इसे ओरछा के पहले शासक रुद्र प्रताप ने बनवाया था। किला परिसर में कई इमारतें ह


  There is a mystical hidden beautiful blue water reservoir located near Bajna village in Bundelkhand region at a distance of 77 kms from Chattarpur in Madhya Pradesh. Some mind blowing facts about Bhimkund also known as Blue Water Reservoir ( Neelkund ) are 👇 1. It is a blue coloured water reservoir having a natural water source. 2. It is a transparent reservoir i.e. its blue and clear water is so clean and transparent that one can see fishes swimming in it. 3. Depth of the reservoir is limitless. Nobody till date has been able to find its actual depth. Many diving experts have tried out to their best abilities to touch the bottom of the reservoir but without any success. 4. Water source connected to the reservoir has not been explored inspite of vigorous efforts to do so.  5. Colour of water in the reservoir is lovely indigo blue which contrasts well with the red stone walls of the cave. 6. It is believed that a dead body if gets drowned in the reservoir never floats up. It goes mis


  Periyar lake in Kerala is an ideal spot around which Wildlife Sanctuary is situated.  It offers soul stirring pleasant experience of the most enchanting boat ride in crisp and cool air. If lucky, animals like Biscon, Sambha, Gaur, wild elephants and variety of birds may be seen. Experience of riding through Periyar lake leaves deep impression in memory. goomler writes on travelling topic of wild life around periyar lake  goomler covers tourist place of wildlife santuary around periyar lake. viewers will appreciate the travelling topic.


  A very gift of the nature is vibrant colourful flowers which have beautiful fragrances. These flowers enhance beauty of our earth and their fragrances bring peace of the mind. It fascinate everyone including birds. Flowers have become a necessity of our lives in many ways as in landscaping as well as in worship. Varied colours and beautiful fragrances from flowers make nearby surrounding pleasing and loved one happy. So, how far these flowers and plants can escape from the lives of the birds. Birds are always in search of three primary things as food, water and shelter. Each of these can be acquired through flowers and plants. By creating a diversified landscape, one can observe significantly large rise in gathering of birds. So, landscaping with natural plants bearing diversified flowers cannot only add beauty but is a place for visits by birds and watchers of both. Some of these watchers also come to learn and observe the large collection of birds and natural beauty of flowers scat


  Darjeeling is an emerald green hill town and a popular destination in India. It is bestowed with natures most beautiful colours and is known as Queen of Hills. It is a city and a municipality in West Bengal. It is noted for its tea industry which is internationally recognised as the most popular Darjeeling Tea. It is grown mostly in Happy Valley Tea Estate.  As a tourist interest, people assemble in the morning at a spot on Tiger Hill to view sunrise over Kanchenjunga, the World's third highest mountain.  Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It runs Toy Train which connects the town with the planes.  Darjeeling is known for its richness in cultural and natural heritage. It may be viewed here👇 Japanese Peace Pagoda Batasia Eco Garden Tourists can also visit Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park to view several wild life 👇 Singalila National Park in Darjeeling is a trekker's paradise with large variety of mountainous vegetation, fauna, birds and oth


  Gondal is a city in the district Rajkot, Gujarat. It has many historical palaces as Naulakha Palace, Riverside Palace, Huzoor Palace and Orchard Palace. Later Palace is surrounded by beautiful gardens and lawns. It is open to the public.  Naulakha Palace is worth visiting. The interior is open to visitors and for a fee one can experience the opulent living style of the Maharajas.  The temples in Gondal include Akshar Mandir. It is visited by people from all over the world. To experience Gondal, is to take a walk down its winding streets inhaling the soul of the city and its people. goomler writes on tourist place gondal, gujarat goomler covers travelling topic on tourist place gondal. viewers may like to travel to this tourist place